SMAT Policy Documents

Acceptable Use Policy


Admissions Arrangements

Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy

Assessment Policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Code of Conduct for Employees

Education Welfare - Children MissingEducation

Code of Conduct For Governors, Members and Directors

Complaints Policy

Curriculum Policy

Data Protection Policy

Dealing with abusive parents policy

ECT Induction Policy

Elective Home Education Policy

Equality Statement Policy and Objectives


EYFS Policy

First Aid Policy

Governor Allowances Policy

Governors Privacy Notice

Grievance and Appeals Policy and Procedure

Health and Safety Policy

Job Applicants Privacy Notice

Leadership and Teachers Pay Policy

Managing Medical Needs Policy

Modern Day Slavery Statement

Online Safety Policy

Premises Management

Parent Carer Privacy Notice

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy

Register of Business Interests Policy

Relationships Education and Health Education Strategy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy


Special Educational Needs Policy

Staff Privacy Notice

Subject Access Request Policy

Support Staff Pay Policy

Visitors Policy

Volunteer Privacy Notice

Whistleblowing Policy

Printed copies of these policies are available on request from
St Mary's Academy Trust